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New here

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:02 pm
by Andrew851
Hello. I'm new to this game. I was at the airport last night ( Perth ) taking a few photos, and a bloke there had a scanner and the Flight data 24 going on his phone. About the only information he didn't have is what food they were serving on the planes. Anyway, I'm interested in getting a scanner so I can listen to the tower, last might they were changing the direction on the runway as the wind changed, so it was good to know which way to point the camera.

Can anyone recommend the right kind of scanner for a beginner to listen to the tower / ground control planes / whatever, that is easy to use and doesn't cost mega bucks? I've never had one before and don't know anything about them, the only radios I've used are in the trucks I drive at work.


Re: New here

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:04 am
by Phantom
G'day Andrew

Welcome to the forum
As for listening to the aircraft, they operate on the VHF Band (108-137MHz) so when looking around for a scanner, be sure to make sure it covers this band.

As you would know, air and is not the only thing to listen to, so if you think you may want to listen to other services/things, make sure the potential scanner you may buy.

As for recommendations, it depends really on a few things, your budget and what services you may want to listen to and your location.

No point in purchasing a flash scanner and thinking you want to listen to a service (other than airband) and find out that your location is encrypted and unable to listen into.

Most scanners today will have the airband available.

Guessing that you are after a handheld unit?