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Radio DXing Chair

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:23 pm
by tanger32au
Ultralight Medium Wave (MW) DXing: Radio DXing Chair

Recently I found online a chair for sale in China (Mini Office Chair ยป Design You Trust) which appeared to be perfect for ultralight DXing at home, it was a normal office chair with a tray table attached to the front. In this case it was being used with a laptop computer but I could see how useful it would be for ultralight DXing, with this in mind I started trying to hunt down. After many hours looking on line and emails to various office equipment suppliers I found that nobody in Australia sold anything like this. Due to this I decided to try and design / build something myself which would be suitable.

For a cost of $25 and a couple of hours of my time this is what I managed to come up with, it is not perfect but I am quite pleased with it. The top is 400mm x 450mm and mm think, the wing nut on the top allows me to spin the top to make getting in and out of the chair easier. It can be easily removed by undoing the two bolts in the arm returning the chair to it's original function.






Re: Radio DXing Chair

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:22 pm
by vkcpolice
Do you really get out on the little red loop antenna i thought they were mainly designed for hf listening or mainly mw

Re: Radio DXing Chair

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:30 pm
by pfdotn
Well, mw dx is what he's using it for...