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Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:34 pm
by 878ROB
hey guys, this has probs been posted a million times, but i think we need a good DIY section for those with a keen eye for circuit boards and that kinda stuff, even plans designs etc.

Even a software download section???

i know a few little mods myself but therex only a tutorial section even if we are allowed to post diys in there and possibly rename the section to diy, info and tutorials??

just and idea..

cheers: 878ROB


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:54 pm
by Phantom
Thanks for the suggestion. We will just make sure that all info that goes into that section is legal and not promoting illegal activities or the like

thanks again and let keep making this forum Australias premier forum!!


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:00 pm
by Stretch
It's got my vote :)


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:48 pm
by rochedalescan
I think your onto something good there ;) Would we be interesting in programming software etc for radios too ? I'm thinking there be a few sub sections to that forum :)

Will have a look soon

Cheers Shane


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:42 pm
by 878ROB
in the way of legalalities i dont see any harm in any mods what so ever, the mods are performed by the owner of the radio (Do It Yourself) so all mods are performed at the owners risk, if they are caught then this forum should not be held accountable.

so maybe even write a statement stating that all mods are to be done at their own risk so that way the site is covered???

ive come across so many mods online and i just think the more info we get here the bigger our forum becomes and maybe oneday we can be as big as some of the forums like hamuniverse etc... depending on what everyone else thinks. But each to their own because some people may like the fact that this site is small and very localised but then again we have international and national members.

if someone types into google a certain mod they wanna do and we have it here, google will display this website as a related match to the question asked or requested, thus meaning more hits to the site??

i hope this all sounds good because i think the more members coming here theres possibility of higher site sponsorship because some member may want to advertise their business or something.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:54 pm
by 878ROB
for instance heres a mod i found while browsing tell me if this is illegal or anything...
theres no copyright on this peice of usefull information and the radio is still within the legal transmission range.
*correction it moves a little in to the HAM 10m range but by bugger all.


Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:03 am
by rochedalescan
Please find the new section "DIY, Modifications and Software" Thank you for your contributions on making Aussiescanner a better site for all :)

Regards Shane


Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:29 pm
by 878ROB
to easy mate, Instead of filtering through sh*tloads of american forums and sites to find diys and stuff it will be easier to find some here in a more managable location.