New Hornets

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New Hornets

Post by Doogs38 »

Kev, capability is a hard thing to measure let alone define. However, the Super Hornet does provide a different capability to an F-111...the real question is whether an F-111's capability is relevant (and survivable) in a 21st century conflict.

You're correct that nothing can replace the long range strike capability of an F-111 (aka 'Pig') but we must be mindful that Pigs were designed for a type of conflict that was predominantly a product of the 50s/60s. That is, single raiders striking deep and fast, and 'under the radar'. The world has moved on. These days, air and ground sensors have advanced to the point (and are available to the undesirables) where there is no such thing as 'under the radar' and the only way to defeat such sensors is via stealth technology...something the Pig wasn't really designed for. As such, it's survivability in a modern conflict (without escorts) is questionable. Sure it might get to the target and deliver its payload, but it's likely to be a one way trip which is untenable for a very high value asset (which includes its hard-to-replace crew). Enter the Super Hornet (and JSF) with its modern stealth characteristics, avionics, self protection and weapons. It's designed for a different type of contemporary conflict where seeing your target is not important to prosecute it. Therefore, while the Pig remains the sentimental favorite it has had its day and IMHO the Super Hornet provides a superior alternate capability for defending Australia's area if interest :-)

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Re: New Hornets

Post by vk-kev »

Hi Doogs38,

I do agree with what you have said regards the way it is now, a missile sounds good, The argument against them is I think, let it go and it's gone, no coming back, but, why in this day and age, are missiles so stupid, we should be able to let one go, and retarget it while it's on its way, or destroy it in flight.

I enjoyed a sticky beak at your photo page, great pic of the F-111, lovely Spitfire and the Mustang.

Years ago, a friend of mine, (since passed on) showed me a suitcase full of tiny little photos.
I scanned as many as I could that related to aircraft, they belonged to his Dad, who served in the RAAF during WW2.

Many liberator photos, mustangs, a pic he took at Hiroshima, just after it was flattened, the front of the Mitsubishi Zero factory, with the Zero on the pole out front. A photo of Amberly with about 200 B-24s on the apron, bombers in formation from the inside of one of them, and rare early glider, anyway, have a gig a Roger's Dad's photos.


I must mention somethiing an elderly lady told me years ago, you'll see one of the photos shows a large 4 engine bomber being loaded with beer bottles, this image had me mystified for ages, the lady told me that after a run, on the way back, Aussies would toss or drop beer bottles that had a razor blade jammed in the opening, it whistled on the way down, Jap airbases would be out of action until they had confirmed no explosives were buried and had failed to explode. I did laugh. :-)
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