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Vic SJA pager questions

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:12 am
by Joshek
Just a few questions for how SJA crews are paged.
1. What do E, REQ and DSP stand for in the page? Like E19121xxxxxx SIG1 REQ0xxx DSP0xxx
2. How do the capcodes work on the Vodafone network? I've only seen these ones get paged: 0399638, 0572129, 0710357, 0710361


Re: Vic SJA pager questions

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:38 am
by Pumper_50
At a guess;

E = Event
REQ = Request
DSP = Dispatch

Numeric following will be a unique job ID.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Re: Vic SJA pager questions

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:34 pm
by Boort8720
That is a very good guess Pumper50. There are also J and N event types which are; triaged by referral and patient transport events respectively.

E191213765 = Standard event

J191201158 = Case triaged by referral

N191202436 = Patient Transport event

Re: Vic SJA pager questions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:59 pm
by Dann
REQ and DSP are times in 24 hour time as well.

Re: Vic SJA pager questions

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:51 pm
by ambo000
Sorry jumping in here quite late,
You are not talking about SJA paging messages here - these are all AV messages. AV Message unique ID (Starting with E, J, N) are year (20) month(12) date (03) case number (10230) with first case of the day being 10001. Example for right now is E20101211350 SIG 1 REQ2039 DSP 2041 LOC 123 Fake Street etc Melways/Vic Maps m99 E1 Problem: A* Convulsion/Seizures

So to decode this, E indicates its an emerg Job as stated by Boort8720 (J & N are also accurate. For other services, Police have a P, Fire have F and SES has S. AV Has 3 depending on what dispatch 'node' its assigned to).
SIG 1 is code 1 - Lights and Sirens emergency. SIG0 is as well but it for cardiac arrests etc and gets specific resources, closest crew even if they are on break, managers etc.
This part of the page could be a SIG0, SIG1, SIG2, SIG3 for Emergency Ambulances. SIG4 is a Patient Transport Code sometimes covered by Emerg if held for too long then it continues SIG5-9. 5-9 are all Patient Transport (Known as Non Emerg or NEPT) just ways of ranking them or for SIG9 it might be held for review by the Clinician etc.

REQ time is when the 000 ESTA phone operator presses the 'new case' button and DSP is obviously the time the case was sent to the crew.
Now above in the example I gave there is a * next to the letter A following the word 'Problem:' and before 'Convulsions/Seizure'. This is to highlight to you that this letter A refers to Ambulance. This part of the message outlines which agencies in CAD have been assigned. Example, AFPR RESCUE-TRAPPED is a case type for ambulance, fire, police and rescue (which might be fire or SES depending on location).

Questions hit me up :-)