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CFA Capcodes Info

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:43 pm
by Blake
I dare say that before clicking, you thought this would be another 'what are the capcodes for [this area]' thread. :wink:
Well, you'd be wrong. Cause that's not the info i'm looking for blokes. 8)

Thought someone could shed some light on not actual capcodes, but what capcodes.
Let me explain:
Taking for instance the CFA pagers, they'll hold what, either 6 or 8 seperate capcodes (depending on model?).
Now, a mate of mine has recently been forced to carry three seperate pagers (he's in the cfa and ses) until he can get a higher capacity pager.
I would assume therefore that pagers would have many if not all 'available spaces' filled.
Now, the big question, what are these capcodes (generically).
I.e. obviously you would have a brigade capcode for incidents / turnouts.
Would there also be an individual (either pager or person) capcode?
What about a group capcode?
OTA updates capcode?
I believe that it would depend on the individual's roles, i.e. IMT, captain, DGO etc. etc.

Could any of you awesome blokes shed some light???
Cheers fellas.

Re: CFA Capcodes Info

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:58 pm
by ashb_26
Most would be as follows: Brigade Capcode, Individual pager capcode, Group capcode, district capcode, state capcode (chief officers dropbox). Then possibly BMT if an officer, group all calls if a dgo or go, any other specialist role they may undertake, eg EMR. Hope that sheds some light.

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Re: CFA Capcodes Info

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:40 pm
by Blake
That was exactly what I was looking for Ash, thanks again mate.