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Macgregor High Building Fire

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:29 pm
by nbus qld
517A/K were at a RTC then got a call to go to the fire.

Turning Out

QBuild person on site said 2 storey building on fire.
517A - K2 and 2 men in BA.
11:33pm - 517K and 510A - K8
11:34pm - Large Amount of Smoke and upgrade to 2nd alarm
11:35pm - 638A and 503A - K8
11:37pm - 517A CV - Blackwattle Control
11:39pm - 509A to Standby 17 Station and 850O on a 30 to Blackwattle Control.
11:42pm - Total of 4 men in BA.
11:49pm - 6 Men in BA 2 lines of Case 1 and 2 lines of Case 3 and QAS onsite.
11:50pm - 509A @ 17 Station.
11:54pm - 502J going to Standby 17 Station as well.
11:55pm - 513A to standby 10 Station.
11:57pm - 502J now going to the fire.
11:58pm - 850O - K8
12 Midnight - QO51 - K8
12:03am - BO11 - K8
12:11pm - Fire out now conducting salvage.
12:12am - 502J - K40 to 17 Station.
12:16am - 502J can return to 2 Station.
12:18am - Energex on site and 2FFs in BA with 1 line of Case 3.
12:31am - 502J - K5
12:36pm - 501Z - K4
12:48am - 513A @ 10 Station
1:00am - 517K - K4 and 501Z - K5
1:07am - 517K - K5
147am - 638A -K7 Back to Southeast and 503A - K4
1:31am - QO51 - K4
1:38am - 850O and 510A - K4
1:41am - 503A - K5
1:44am - 513A going back to 13 Station
1:52am - 509A going back to 9 Station
1:54am - 513A - K5 @ 13 Station.
1:54am - 517A - K4 Left in hands of QPS.
1:56am - 850O - K5
202am - 509A back @ 9 Station and BO11 - K5
2:06am - 510A - K5 Had a fire call on way home.
2:08am - 517A - K5