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Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:21 am
by bertbee
Currently I have 3 Yupiteru scanners :3300,7100 and 9000.All do a marvellous job for me and in addition I use a Sangean for SW and SSB listening.
However their drawback is a lack of computer control. I have been told that I could modify my Yupi 9000,but I am not going to consider that course due to my lack of soldering iron or tech skills.
What I am seriously considering is buying an AOR 8200 mk 3 for this purpose,but a stumbling block so far is finding software that is Apple Mac friendly for the AOR. Sources investigated so far are only Windows PC based.
Of the other scanners on the market,the Uniden 396CDT(I think is the model) has some sort of computer control,but that too is PC based.
If anyone can put me on the track of some software that I can justify another scanner to add to my bank (must be Apple friendly), I would appreciate it.

Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:16 pm
by Phantom
Have you tried windows running "in" the apple os - Boot Camp

Or you could boot right into windows .... Apple site

Have a try and see how you go - else get a cheap lappy and run windows on that ....

I am considering getting a Mac due to the fact it can run windoze as well as the stable Mac OS

Why not try and get a hold on some software and try it before folking out the money on it.....

I would be suprised if manufactures dedicate it to the Mac - but in my opinion - they should as there is a growing number of users getting into the Mac side of things ...

I have not seen any software with Mac on it as yet - however i would think that your best choice is thru Bootcamp or boot directly into Windoze...

Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:10 pm
by Comint
bertbee wrote:Of the other scanners on the market,the Uniden 396CDT(I think is the model) has some sort of computer control,but that too is PC based.
There are many models of scanner on the market, that are capable of some form of computer control eg., AOR, Icom, Yaesu, and many models of Uniden, but as you have found, most of the software is written for Windoze.

However, you might care to try these links


Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:35 pm
by bertbee
Thanks for the info, all very helpful guidance.
Now to decide on what to buy. The AOR 8200 Mk3 is available in Australia for less than $A500,but cables etc are optional add ons.The model sold here has no block out on the 800 mhz band, so I have been told, as is the case with US models.
Uniden UBCD396T has some features that could be interesting to try, but at a price. It comes with a head unit for the car,but is it a full wide band radio and is the software worth the extra $$$ (close to $A 800/900 ) ? 6000 memories ? Limited to set search frequencies ?
If you had a choice, what would you settle for ?
I might have to sell my Yupiteru 3300 and 9000 to pay for either, but are they going to disappoint ?
After all the Yupi 9000 is as good as it gets as far as I have experienced so far, although the 7100 is actually better in some band areas, it is now getting a little road worn, but the guts is still as good as new and I will not part with that radio.
Do I flip a coin to decide on which radio, or do you have the experience to give informed advice.

Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:22 pm
by Comint
bertbee wrote:Uniden UBCD396T has some features that could be interesting to try, but at a price. It comes with a head unit for the car,but is it a full wide band radio and is the software worth the extra $$$ (close to $A 800/900 ) ? 6000 memories ? Limited to set search frequencies ?
Just be warned that the UBCD396T is obsolete, and anything on the dealers shelves is the last of the model. The head unit alone used to cost over AU$300.00 by itself, and is included, as a sweetener, to move the obsolete models (396T and 996T) off the shelves. Both models have been superseded by the XT models, which are yet to be released in Australia.
If you had a choice, what would you settle for ?
An unfair question. My interests are not the same as yours. The Uniden does Trunking, the AOR does not. I run Windoze, not a Mac. etc, etc.
Do I flip a coin to decide on which radio, or do you have the experience to give informed advice.
Do your research. Manuals for both scanners can be downloaded. Check to see exactly what frequency segments are covered - the glossy brochure may say 30 to 1000 MHz (or whatever), but it is very rarely the case that there aren't some holes in the coverage.


Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:58 pm
by Finch
You can get a 396T from DSE cheap as old stock for less than $600 new. Although they don't seem to be making any more and are obsolete as Comint said but there isn't that many new (or useful) features on the TX anyway. GPS interface, close call store, EDACS ESK, band scope, multi colour backlit, a few thousand more channels and a few other features you'd never use really. I recently got a 396T, I love it. I only really wanted it because I needed a handheld trunker and I wanted the control channel only trunking. The CTCSS search is handy too. You'd never use 6000 channels anyway.
Also no-one knows when they'll be making the TX model anyway.

Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:47 am
by Comint
Finch wrote:. . . . Also no-one knows when they'll be making the TX model anyway.
Don't understand that comment.

The 396XT was released in America in April 2009. It was also announced at that time that the 396T would no longer be manufactured.

The 996XT was released a couple of months later.


Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:18 am
by Finch
Comint wrote:
Finch wrote:. . . . Also no-one knows when they'll be making the TX model anyway.
Don't understand that comment.

The 396XT was released in America in April 2009. It was also announced at that time that the 396T would no longer be manufactured.

The 996XT was released a couple of months later.

Whoops probably worded that one a little wrongly, I mean Release date in Australia.
I know it has been released in America but I haven't seen any dates about it being released in Australia.

Re: Apple Mac Software for AOR

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:22 pm
by Phantom
if you were that desperate - import one - the way the AUD is - you may get a decent product at decent price.

just puts it back on you to make sure it covers what u want/need it to cover out here