ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by Comint »

jonau wrote: . . . Im actually living here near Mt gravatt and sunnybank. (brisbane)
As Sunnybank is only about 8 km from Mt Gravatt, you shouldn't have any problems receiving any of the frequencies listed at the following URL.

http://web.acma.gov.au/pls/radcom/site_ ... =frequency.

Just ignore the ones with Emission Designators ending in D or W, and the Motorola ones, which show incorrect Emission Designators.

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ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by Phantom »

All the information you seek is on the register link above.

Simply search and the results will show a frequency. Click on that and it will show details of the assignment. This is the info you require.

It has nothing to do with how much you paid for the scanner. It goes back to you learning and searching the rights things. Program it correctly and it will produce the results

As for what type it is, it's in the emission designator....

Simple search on google will help you out .... Will take you less time to search google than to reply to this to find out how to decode emission designators.

All the information is there
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by Vkfour »

A quick guide. The first number is the maximum frequency the signal can occupy. Don't bother too much with anything over 16. Don't worry about the zero, {it's part of the first number). F3 is FM then you have a letter. D is digital and you will only hear noise, if anything, and E is voice. Since you are still learning, I won't overload you, but once you know what you're doing, a lot of those digital noises can be decoded. As Phantom and Comint said, you need to know your radio, and also where different things can be found, frequency wise. At Mt Gravatt, you should be able to hear a grazillionreen things, but look at post codes up to 40 of 50k from you and see what you can hear. Another thing, whilst Ambulance and Fire may be full on, as are the railway, some users may only use their radios a few times a day. Some maintain the licence but don't actually use it, effectively squatting on the frequency.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by AIRMAN »

You'll get some nice music on FM
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by brownbearwolf »

Looking at the 3GHz upper rage of scanners, there isn't a lot there at the moment. The Telcos own most and are multiplexing USB digital links between towers. There are some 900 MHz phone and data if not control channels, in order for one tower to talk to another tower so a phone conversation happens uninterrupted. AirService use a lot of 2GHz for ATS traffic in the AFTN. Sydney wants to hand off an Aero to a Brisbane South Controller, the radar data in automatically sent to the BN Controller via the 2GHZ bearers. Siz data for the water board where river and dam levels are sent as data to the recording office at Head Office. Not much up there to listen to. However. If manufactures are adding these frequencies, what do they know about the near future use of those frequencies that we don't? The Sudney Digital TV Channels are being re arranged in March of this year, (2014). DOse that mean the four or so channels own by the major thre will each have a different program to watch?
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by brownbearwolf »

Adding a bit more to the ACMA data base. I guess many users put in a postcode and a frequency range and then sort the list out numerically to have the lowest freq first and highest last. Beasts having 450.1024 followed 2350.09765. I have been using the Lat Long line to open a new window of a map as in Google Maps. Entering a Lat Long position as for example -33:15.35 -151:24.09 . When the map window opens there are sites listed of the resgitered transmitters and on cliking on More Details, the usualy tow of data window opens resulting in the frequency at the site. Amazing at the number of sites in the bush used by all sorts of users. Some details are blank, not sure if they are NFP or expired with the site is still listed. ACMA haven't returned to request for information to that. Its good for when you see an anterna on top of a hill and can't find the data the usual way. Mapping it saves lots of searching a list of numbers and not sure if fining a number is the frequencies of the hill site.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by Vkfour »

When using the ACMA database, stick post codes up to 50 km away from your own, and even more. Clicking the top of the frequency list will sort it into frequency order for you. Some of the map sites are well and truly out of date or just plain inaccurate.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by brownbearwolf »

Naturally Like many others have done, I bought an AR8200D. Seems straight forward, however. There Voice Inverter has locked itself to the ON position and moving the dial, and arrows only adjust the step frequencies. The means there is no way to access digital or CTCCS. Anyone know how this can be resolved? When in VMO 2 (B) and I flops up to (A), I have to press CLEAR for that frequency to be taken out of VI. Thanks.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by Vkfour »

Try pushing the functio key on the side of the radio and then press PASS. If you are in the VI mode, press the up and down keys to toggle to 0 frequency. Hope this helps.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by chanjyj »

Threadstarter's reception problem may well be due to antennas.
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Re: ICOM IC-R20 or AOR AR8200 ?

Post by hypal89 »

A quick google for manuals for both will show weight and dimensions for both.
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