Vic SMR Channel List

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Vic SMR Channel List

Post by Boort8720 »

Hi all,

I've been successfully trunking the Vic SMR with a BCT15X (Control Channel) and UBCD996T (PC Controlled Scanner) for a number of years.

I've recently moved to Geelong and got everythig set up again. However, I am facing issues when trying to trunk the SMR from the Geelong City tower (Site ID: 5851, CC: 164.925MHz). Trunkview is decoding the control channel, however it is prompting my scanner to go to voice channel 438.

My SMR channel list does not go this high. I have found that channel 438 is the same frequency as channel 363 (165.975MHz). As a result, my alpha tagging just remains the same, despite there being conversations on both AV dispatch and AV Non Emerg.

If I switch to the Gnarwarre site (ID: 5841, CC: 164.8625), everyhting works fine, except I cannot pick up Barwon Water.

I'm guessing there's a configuration issue in my channel list or profile. I've tried extending the channel list up past 438 channels, by incrementing the frequencies by 12.5KHz, but as I mentioned before, Ch 438 is the same as Ch 363.

If anyone in the Geelong area is successfully trunking the CBD SMR tower or if anyone else knows what the issue might be, I'd love to hear from you. Thank you!
Mitch Baker - VK3GLV

Uniden UBCD396XT, BCT15X, UBCD996T, UBCD436-PT, Tait TM9100, Simoco SRM9000 (VHF + UHF DMAP), Codan 9323 (Codan 9030 Autotune Antenna)
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