A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

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A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by VK3RX »

From a CFA bulletin:
A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway, with pilot field testing of preferred products planned for early 2023.

CFA’s Radio Replacement Program will deliver the replacement of the current radio fleet across the state including all mobiles, portables, bag radios, vehicle-mounted repeaters and local bases.

There is also provision for a large number of additional radios to be funded under the program, significantly increasing our current capability.
Field evaluations have recently been completed on a short-list of products with volunteer members of the program’s user reference group. This included putting the radios through testing in simulated operational scenarios. Laboratory evaluations have also been conducted by CFA’s ICT team.

With evaluation of short-listed vendors now complete and preferred products identified, the program will proceed to pilot testing with Motorola products to allow for more considered evaluation, including the operational use of the radios and ancillary products in the field.
DCO Operational Response and Coordination Garry Cook AFSM said the new radios would introduce a welcome technology refresh with enhanced features and functionality for members.

“We’re looking forward to undertaking the pilot testing phase of the program to help determine if the preferred products offer the best radio solution for CFA’s needs,” Garry said.
“The pilot will also allow us to test and finalise the development of training on how to use the new products.
“The program team will work with our regions to finalise the strategy for the pilot including member involvement, support and training and logistics.
“We hope to commence the pilot in early 2023 pending the availability of sufficient products.
“Global supply shortages due to COVID-19 and other factors may impact our timelines and we will provide further information to members as we confirm adequate supply of the radios for testing/piloting purposes.”

The Victorian Government, through an open market panel, supported the identification of possible radios that meet CFA requirements. These options were evaluated through a desktop review and short-listed vendors proceeded to the next round of evaluation.
Field evaluations were then completed with the volunteer members of the User Reference group, alongside the final lab tests. The radios have been put through hostile environment tests in simulated operational scenarios. Laboratory evaluations were also conducted by the CFA ICT team.
A final evaluation report was developed, and the preferred products have been identified. This report was supported by our Project Control Group and endorsed by our Steering Committee.

The program will now proceed to pilot testing with Motorola products. This will include the operational use of the products in the field. Training requirements will also be considered at this time. The outcomes of the pilot phase of the program will help determine the best radio solution for our needs.

The pilot is expected to commence in early 2023 pending the availability of sufficient products.
Global supply issues have impacted access to products. This was experienced in evaluation and is anticipated to impact the timelines for the pilot. Further information will be communicated to members as we confirm adequate supply of the radios for testing/piloting purposes.
Work also continues on the updated Radio Allocation Policy.
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Re: A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by Xplorer »

For those that collect RID's. it's a real pain in the butt.

But for CFA it's well over due.
Those TM/TP9100 were good but very old and not supported.

I wonder if they will consider the new Tait TM/TP9800 models in their test.
Dual VHF/UHF band would be ideal for using on both VIC RMR and MMR.
Another bonus is for border towns for use on SA GRN and NSW PSN.
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Re: A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by railscan »

I think you will find that the big M (and I don't mean McDonalds) will get the gig.

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Re: A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by watertanker99 »

Should never have deviated from Mother M in the first place!!
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Re: A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by Pumper_50 »

watertanker99 wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:48 pm Should never have deviated from Mother M in the first place!!
And yet here we have FRV with an outright purchase of Harris Radios due to frustrations experienced with APX radios, annoyance at how Motorola handled MFB/FRV's concerns when they initially raised them on several failures across several aspects of the APX radios only some time well afterwards for Motorola to say 'hey there is an issue but it will be some time before we can rectify'. Not too mention a distinct dislike in some quarters of it.

We had the then MFB then forced to contact CFA begging for any leftover XTS5000 radios in order to back-fill needs and FRV moving boot-loads of their APX radios to CFA for use.

Love Motorola gear, but they really dropped the ball on how they initially responded to some of these issues.

Can't keep everyone happy, who would've thought? :roll:
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Re: A program to replace all CFA Tait TM/TP9100 radios is underway

Post by Boort8720 »

Pumper_50 wrote: Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:34 pm
watertanker99 wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:48 pm Should never have deviated from Mother M in the first place!!
And yet here we have FRV with an outright purchase of Harris Radios due to frustrations experienced with APX radios, annoyance at how Motorola handled MFB/FRV's concerns when they initially raised them on several failures across several aspects of the APX radios only some time well afterwards for Motorola to say 'hey there is an issue but it will be some time before we can rectify'. Not too mention a distinct dislike in some quarters of it.

We had the then MFB then forced to contact CFA begging for any leftover XTS5000 radios in order to back-fill needs and FRV moving boot-loads of their APX radios to CFA for use.

Love Motorola gear, but they really dropped the ball on how they initially responded to some of these issues.

Can't keep everyone happy, who would've thought? :roll:
Currently using the new Harris radios as a recruit at Craigieburn. The audio quality is amazing, but the clips on the back keep coming off and the new Gen structural gear isnt designed to hold them very well, in my opinion.
Mitch Baker - VK3GLV

Uniden UBCD396XT, BCT15X, UBCD996T, UBCD436-PT, Tait TM9100, Simoco SRM9000 (VHF + UHF DMAP), Icom IC-2730a, Codan 9323 (Codan 9030 Autotune Antenna), Retevis RT52
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