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G'Day - Complete Newbie

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:42 am
by Blake
Ah, Hi everyone, my name's Blake, and i'm just sorta dabbling in this stuff.

I've been using UHF/CB for a few years now, but just recently i've become interested in scanners.
I've just set up a 'Command & Control Centre' at home, basically a computer with second monitor,
and i'm tapped into the local district CFA dispatch on Broadcastify. Also running the VicFire site, satellite and radar imagery.
Just a bit of fun, but also very useful, and potentially life-saving in summer, as i'm in a bushfire danger area.
I'm in North Central Victoria, between Bendigo and Shepp.

I'm a complete newbie, and know approximately 0. :cry:
I want to learn all about scanner and the terminology. I've heard lots of stuff being thrown around, like P25, Phase 1, Trunking, and have no idea what any of it means. So hopefully you guys can help me learn.

I might be looking into a portable scanner in the future and the Uniden BCD396XT caught my eye. What's it like.

Anyway, sorry for the long post, so Hi :D

Re: G'Day - Complete Newbie

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:19 am
by Phantom
Fantastic first post!
Welcome to the forum, sounds like you have a setup happening! Good to see. I would suggest that as you get further "hooked" with this hobby, it will modify and grow :)

Enjoy your time and look forward to your further posts!
Plenty of people on here will be able to assist.... Just ask away - no such thing as a silly question. We all started with 0 knowledge!